Chapter 3: "Leah. Was. Beautiful. Her voice, an incarnation of sex. Her picture had done her absolutely no justice. It didn't hurt that she was only wearing a black lace boy shorts and a black tank top, but her face and her body were simply stunning. Her lips were naturally plump and wide, accented by high cheek bones. In the dim light from the television I could see the deep brown pools of her eyes were speckled were gold. Her lashes were long and thick around her almond shaped eyes. She was toned, but perfectly soft in all the right places. Her breasts were large and full and her ass, my god her ass. She would have given the Williams sisters a run for their money. Just below the line of her panties, I could see a shape inked into her skin, parts of a tattoo on the crease of her hip."

"...Without looking at me, she turned towards the door and simply said, 'Night'. And then she was gone."
The L

... Am I the only one who thinks it's an impossible task?
the first pictute
ReplyDeleteis soooo damn sexi